iText DITO 2.4
The 2.4 release of iText DITO is out!
We are excited to announce the general availability of iText DITO 2.4 on .
Downloads and Links
iText DITO 2.4 Manager/Editor Cluster Deployment | Kotlin helper script to deploy iText DITO Manager and Editor - Instructions & downloads Kubernetes helper script to deploy iText DITO - instructions & downloads |
iText DITO 2.4 REST SDK/API | Deploy SDK - Instructions & downloads Pull SDK image from Dockerhub, Pull Docker SDK Secure Proxy image from Dockerhub - Instructions |
iText DITO 2.4 Java SDK/API | Jar file download - Manual |
iText DITO 2.4 Release | The 2.4 release Blogpost can be found here |
Minor releases
Release Notes:
Release notes
The most remarkable additions in the 2.4 release are:
- Support to rename SDK instances.
- Support for HTML tags in rich text.
- Support to add images and CSS from imported resources.
- More informative error messages.
- Support to create composition templates with different data collections.
- Support for workspaces.
- Support to select multiple fields in common components.
- Support to add watermarks to templates.
- Support to copy/clone templates.
- New permissions to access the advanced settings.
- Support for DateField.
- New Material UI.
- New Licenses Viewer.
- New Search bar for resources (Style sheet, images, fonts).
- New SMTP settings with send test email.
- Undo/Redo field settings.
From all of us here at iText, we wish you happy templating!
- iText DITO Editor - Performance improvements for templates with lots of versions.
- iText DITO Editor - Improved labels on font uploads.
- iText DITO Editor - Improved scrollable panels to make them more responsive.
- iText DITO Manager - Improved composition template wizard.
- iText DITO Manager - Improved error messages when creating data collections with wrong format.
- iText DITO Manager - Improved icons for renaming SDK instances.
- iText DITO Manager - Allow spaces on Role names.
- iText DITO Manager - Improved cancel button to close in modal windows.
- iText DITO Manager - User messages to be more informative.
- iText DITO Manager - You can rename SDK instances.
- iText DITO Manager - Improved icons for renaming SDK instances.
- iText DITO Manager - Improved visual look and feel of template thumbnails.
- iText DITO SDK - Performance improved Kubernetes + composer autoscaling script
- iText DITO SDK - Performance improvements on SDK Java and Docker containers by optimizing font provider initialization.