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Where can I download the license key library?

How to download the iText Core or iText 5/iTextSharp license key library manually, or by using Maven or NuGet.


As of the release of iText 7.2, the old licensing system was replaced by a new Unified Licensing Mechanism, which allows volume users to more easily check their usage and extended the event counting capabilities. This replaces the old itext-licensekey and itext-licensekey-volume dependencies with the new licensing-base and licensing-remote dependencies, and the version number for the licensing libraries was increased from version 3.x to 4.x. In addition, it replaces the old XML license file with a new one in JSON format.

Simply put, if your license key file is an XML file you should follow the instructions marked iText 7.1.x in this guide. However, if you have a JSON license key file, see the instructions for iText 7.2.x and newer.

NOTE: For iText versions 5.5.13 and newer, we changed to use the same license key version as for iText Core. Download the license key library from the iText 7.1.x links below for Java or .NET.

For iText 7.2.x and newer



For iText 7.1.x



Alternatively, you can use the following instructions for our supported dependency managers:


You'll need to add the iText Artifactory server,, as an additional repository in the repositories section of your pom.xml, as described in the Maven documentation. Then you can add the following dependency to your dependencies to install the latest version:

For iText 7.2.x


  <!-- iText 7 License Key Library -->


For iText 7.1.x


  <!-- iText 7 License Key Library -->


The license key library can be downloaded from NuGet.

If you need information about installing the license key library or loading your license key, see the installation guide.

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