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Release pdfHTML 5.0.5

Release date: Jul 24, 2024

pdfHTML is an iText Core add-on for Java and .NET to create PDF from HTML/XML (and associated CSS).

As noted in the Core release notes, this release of pdfHTML now supports the CSS Grid Layout Module allowing highly-flexible grid-based layouts. With Grid Layout supporting two-dimensional layouts of both rows and columns, this gives you additional capabilities when designing templates for PDF creation with pdfHTML.

CSS Grid Layout is beginning to see wider adoption, and is supported by all current major web browsers. A number of users expressed a desire for Grid layout support in iText and pdfHTML and we were happy to oblige. 

The majority of Grid features are fully supported in pdfHTML 5.0,5, with only the inline-grid values of the display property, and subgrid values of the grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows properties not currently implemented. Since data shows these properties are not widely used, they are not currently a priority. However, if you see a pressing need for pdfHTML to support them, please let us know!

In other news, a bug with Azure resource loading on .NET 6.0 was fixed in this release.

Release Related Examples


New Features

  • CSS Grid Layout Module support

Bug Fixes

  • Azure resources fail to load on .NET 6.0


Converting HTML to PDF with pdfHTML

Installation Instructions

Examples (latest ones)

FAQ (latest ones)

Chapter 7: Frequently Asked Questions about pdfHTML

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