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Release pdfHTML 5.0.2

Release date: Oct 25, 2023

pdfHTML is an iText Core add-on for Java and .NET to create PDF from HTML/XML (and associated CSS).

In this release, we’ve continued our work on pdfHTML’s advanced multicolumn support by supporting the CSS break-inside, break-after, and break-before properties for column-count.

There’s a significant improvement in the font selection algorithm for font families with several width classes, as pdfHTML will now consider all font names within a family, and choose the best matching one.

Another addition to our flex container support is the support for vertical flex-direction pagination. For example, if you want to expand a flex container onto different pages if the content will not fit on a single page.

In other news, pdfHTML will now support SVG tags when using HtmlConverter#convertToElements, and there's a fix for the incorrect vertical alignment of inline-block elements in table cells.

Release Related Examples

New features

  • Multi-column support now includes break-inside, break-after, and break-before properties for column-count.

  • Vertical flex-direction pagination for flex containers.


  • Improved font selection algorithm for font families with several width classes.

  • Support SVG tag when using HtmlConverter#convertToElements

Bug Fixes

  • Incorrect vertical alignment for inline-block elements in table cells


Converting HTML to PDF with pdfHTML

Installation Instructions

Examples (latest ones)

FAQ (latest ones)

Chapter 7: Frequently Asked Questions about pdfHTML

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