Questions about PDF in general
These questions were answered in the scope of 7.0.x and 7.1.x versions. However, if you find links to our GitHub repo, then they should target the latest version, and you can get access to specific versions by using the Tags functionality.
Interesting repos with examples to browse would be i7js-book & i7js-examples for Java and i7ns-samples for .NET (C#).
What does Not LTV-enabled mean?
How to protect a PDF with a username and password?
How to hide the Adobe floating toolbar when showing a PDF in browser?
How to disable the save button and hide the menu bar in Adobe Reader?
How should I interpret the coordinates of a rectangle in PDF?
What is the connection between LTV and document timestamps?
How to protect an already existing PDF with a password?
How to close a PDF file to recreate it? (File in use problem)
Why are PDF files different even if the content is the same?
How to get the page number of an arbitrary PDF object?
What is the size limit of pdf file?
How do I rotate a PDF page to an arbitrary angle?
How to extract a page number from a PDF file?
How to encrypt PDF using a certificate?
Where is the origin (x,y) of a PDF page?
Why do PDFs change when processing them?
Can I change the page count by changing internal metadata?
Does a PDF file have styles, headers and footers?
How to allow page extraction when setting password security?
What is the difference between iText, JasperReports and Adobe LC?