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Content parsing, extraction and redaction of text

These questions were answered in the scope of 7.0.x and 7.1.x versions. However, if you find links to our GitHub repo, then they should target the latest version, and you can get access to specific versions by using the Tags functionality.

Interesting repos with examples to browse would be i7js-book & i7js-examples for Java and i7ns-samples for .NET (C#).

What are the extra characters in the font name of my PDF?

How to get the co-ordinates of an image?

How to create and apply redactions?

How to remove text from a PDF?

How to use a text extraction strategy after applying a location extraction strategy?

Why can't I extract text added using a Type3 font correctly from a PDF?

Why is the text I extract from an English PDF page garbled?

How to read text from a specific position?

How to extract text and anchor information from a PDF?

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