iText DITO 2.5
The 2.5 release of iText DITO is out!
We are excited to announce the general availability of iText DITO 2.5 on .
Downloads and Links
iText DITO 2.5 Manager/Editor Cluster Deployment | Kotlin helper script to deploy iText DITO Manager and Editor - Instructions & downloads Kubernetes helper script to deploy iText DITO - instructions & downloads |
iText DITO 2.5 REST SDK/API | Deploy SDK - Instructions & downloads Pull SDK image from Dockerhub, Pull Docker SDK Secure Proxy image from Dockerhub - Instructions |
iText DITO 2.5 Java SDK/API | Jar file download - Manual |
iText DITO 2.5 Release | The 2.5 release Blogpost can be found here |
Minor releases
Release Notes:
Release notes
The new additions to highlight for iText DITO 2.5 are:
iText DITO look and feel (White labeling) configuration from advance settings:
- Custom logos,
- Custom Motto,
- Custom colors.
- New improved promotion path capabilities:
- Multiple template versions can live in different stages.
- Customizable stages to promote templates to (Development, QA, Production,...).
New calculations to manipulate dates and numbers without changing data at source:
iText DITO Manager:
- Changes to resources part of templates in a composition template only adds a new version (instead of several versions , one for each template with the resource) to the composition template.
- Support for composition templates with header and footers with no data collections.
- Support for non Latin characters to be used in resource/template names.
- Better workspaces management:
- More permissions for workspaces.
- Child-workspaces.
- Support for templates and data collections with the same name in different workspaces.
- Improved use of space in the UI to fit your laptop screen.
iText Dito Editor:
- New calculations to manipulate dates and numbers without changing data at source:
parseDate - Support to edit default heading styles by showing default values in the style editor.
- SDK support for Java 11.