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iText DITO 2.3.1

2.3.1 Release

Since the release of iText DITO 2.3 our team has been making sure there are no inconsistencies in the design for both the Manager and the Editor.  

There has also been efforts made to address a few bug issues, one of which included the stylesheet name not appearing once it was renamed. 

This was also to optimize the design change that was brought by the 2.3 release. 

Previously, when an embedded stylesheet was added and a user tried to change the name, the name would not be shown. 

This has been addressed so that the new name is saved and present when viewed throughout the Manager component. 

Our messages throughout the frontend has become more detailed and comprehensive. 
For example if a template failed to be deleted, the message wouldn't contain details as to why.

We now provide our users more information including the things that might be causing this blocker. 

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