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Release pdfSweep 4.0.3

Release date: Jul 24, 2024

pdfSweep is an iText Core add-on to securely redact content from PDFs.

For this release we’ve introduced an overlap ratio setting to aid accurate placement and size of the redaction area. This can help with certain edge cases where the ascent and descent lines of characters overlap with lines above or below the area to be redacted.

This could cause misplaced redaction areas, or removal of more content than intended. While you could work around this in most cases by shrinking the redaction area, adding a way to control the overlap ratio is a much neater solution.

This setting can be configured in the CleanUpProperties (Java/.NET) by changing the setOverlapRatio to a value between 0 and 1. For example, setting the overlap ratio to 0.3 will remove content if it overlaps with the redaction area by at least 30%.

In addition, an improvement was made for the handling of unsupported image file types when processing PDFs.




  • Added setOverlapRatio for CleanUpProperties

  • Better handling of unsupported image types

Examples (latest ones)

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