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Release pdfRender 2.0.2

Release date: July 5, 2022

pdfRender is an iText 7 add-on for Java to generate images from PDF documents. A CLI version is also available.

For the pdfRender 2.0.2 release, you now have even more options for rendering PDFs as images as HEIC image encoding support has been added to pdfRender. HEIC (High-Efficiency Image Container) images typically take up around half the space of an equivalent quality JPEG and is a more efficient and flexible format than PNG.

The format has been gaining popularity since Apple announced it would use HEIC as the default for its operating systems in 2017. Check out the code example linked below for more information.

We have also updated to a new version of Jpedal which brings a number of bug fixes.



New Features

  • Expose HEIC support in pdfRender


  • Update pdfRender dependency to jpedal v2022.03

Release Related Examples

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