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Release pdfOffice 2.0.4

Release date: January 16, 2023

pdfOffice is an iText 7 add-on that enables high-quality native conversion of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) documents to PDF.

For this release, we've resolved an issue where converting certain password-protected Word files would result in extra pages or border placement issues in the output. This version also includes some other general fixes and improvements for document conversions, see the Changelog below.

Want high-quality Office to PDF conversion, but don't use Java?

While the pdfOffice add-on is currently only available natively for Java, you can access its functionality using the iText 7 Suite BYOL's REST API on AWS Marketplace. Alternatively, tell us about your requirements. We'll see what we can do for you!


iText pdfOffice – 2.0.4 (Java)link
For other languages, please contact us.



  • Fix where conversion of certain password-protected Word files would result in extra pages, or border placement issues in output.


  • Add support for inner shadows for solid filled shapes.
  • Improvements to watermark text effect handling.
  • Improvements to handling of links and bookmarks.
  • Correct handling of some chart datapoint values.
  • Add aliases for Gill Sans Semibold.
  • Fixed issue involving creating pages per cell when all cells should have been rendered on one page.
  • Various improvements to text flow handling.
  • Miscellaneous code refactoring.

Installation Instructions

Examples (latest ones)

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