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These questions were answered in the scope of 7.0.x and 7.1.x versions. However, if you find links to our GitHub repo, then they should target the latest version, and you can get access to specific versions by using the Tags functionality.

Interesting repos with examples to browse would be i7js-book & i7js-examples for Java and i7ns-samples for .NET (C#).

Why is the page size of a PDF always the same, no matter if it's landscape or portrait?

How to get the author of a free text annotation?

How to extract embedded streams?

Why do I get an InvalidPdfException: PDF header signature not found ?

How can I read Roman page numbers?

How can I find the border color of a field?

How to get the UserUnit from a PDF file?

How to read PDFs created with an unknown random owner password?

How to read bookmark titles?

How to get the page width and height of a PDF document?

How do I get an object if I have its indirect reference?

How To find internal links in a PDF file?

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