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I upgraded to iText version 7 or 8, how do I use my license?

If you’ve upgraded from iText 5 to a newer major version of iText, this guide will cover the basics of installing your new iText license.

For more detailed information on the licensing system used by iText, refer to the the installation guide for the iText license key and license key library.

If you're using iText version 8 or 7.2 and newer, you should have a license key in JSON format and will require version 4.x.y of the license key library. If you are using iText 7.1.18 or older you should have a license key in XML format. See the instructions for iText 7.1.x.

NOTE: Loading the license file should be done as early as possible in the flow of your application using the static method of the LicenseKey class. When you load a volume license key, the license key library will set up everything for you—there is no need to set up any additional counter or logger. Also, once a license key has been loaded it is active for the entire CLR/JVM runtime, if you have multiple CLRs or JVMs accessing the same license key you should provide a copy of the license key for each CLR/JVM.

For iText 8 and 7.2.x

In the following examples the license key file has been renamed to "itextkey.json" for convenience.

To load a license key, use the following line of code:


LicenseKey.loadLicenseFile(new File("path/to/itextkey.json"));


LicenseKey.LoadLicenseFile(new FileInfo("@path/to/itextkey.json"));

For iText 7.1.x

In the following examples the license key file has been renamed to "itextkey.xml" for convenience.

  • If you're using iText version 7.1.18 (or older) you'll need to use version 3.x.y of the license key library.

To load a license key, use the following line of code:.

  • If you've upgraded from iText 5, it is loaded in the same way as the iText 5 license.






When upgrading from iText 5 to a newer major version of iText, you need to be aware of the following:

  • You need to use the version of iText you that matches your new license.

  • You need to load your new iText license file and disregard your iText 5 license

  • You need to use the license key library version 4.x.y for iText version 7.2.x and newer (including iText 8), and 3.x.y for iText version 7.1.x and older. For older iText versions, you can check the (Compatibility Matrix).

  • See the license key and license key library installation guide for more details, including Java and .NET download links to the version of the license key library your version of iText is compatible with.

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