How to introduce superscript?
I want to format a date like this: 14th may 2015. However, the th in 14 should be in superscript as is what happens when you use the "sup" tag.
This is my code:
ph102 = new Phrase(csq.EventDate.Value.Day + Getsuffix(csq.EventDate.Value.Day) + csq.EventDate.Value.ToString("MMM") + " " + csq.EventDate.Value.Year + " at " + eventTime.ToString("hh:mm tt"), textFont7); PdfPCell cellt2 = new PdfPCell(ph102);
Posted on StackOverflow on May 19, 2015 by Dhasarathan T
When I read your question, I assume that you want something like this:
Please check OrdinalNumbers example. Here is a piece of code and you see that what you call "sup" is done by using a smaller font and a text rise:
PdfFont small = PdfFontFactory.createFont(FontConstants.HELVETICA);
Text st = new Text("st").setFont(small).setTextRise(7).setFontSize(6);
Text nd = new Text("nd").setFont(small).setTextRise(7).setFontSize(6);
Text rd = new Text("rd").setFont(small).setTextRise(7).setFontSize(6);
Text th = new Text("th").setFont(small).setTextRise(7).setFontSize(6);
Paragraph first = new Paragraph()
.add("The 1")
.add(" of May");
Paragraph second = new Paragraph()
.add("The 2")
.add(" and the 3")
.add(" of June");
Paragraph fourth = new Paragraph()
.add("The 4")
.add(" of July");
In the 5th version of iText we used Chunk
class instead of Text
, but it doesn't exist anymore.
Click How to introduce superscript? if you want to see how to answer this question in iText 5.