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General questions about iText

These questions were answered in the scope of 7.0.x and 7.1.x versions. However, if you find links to our GitHub repo, then they should target the latest version, and you can get access to specific versions by using the Tags functionality.

Interesting repos with examples to browse would be i7js-book & i7js-examples for Java and i7ns-samples for .NET (C#).

How to keep specific words together on one line?

Why do I get a message saying

How to increase the accuracy of measurements in iTextSharp?

How to change the spacing between words and characters?

Why do I get a BouncyCastle NoClassDefFoundError?

How to create an uncompressed PDF file?

How to create a list without indentation?

Which PDF filters are used to encode data?

How to set initial view properties?

How to prevent the resizing of pages in PDF?

When is the content flushed to a PDF File by iTextSharp?

Why can't I compile the iText source code?

How to format a String resulting in a two-column display?

How to find out the current cursor position on a page?

How to enable LTV for a timestamp signature?

How to hyphenate text?

How to get the current page count?

How to define the page size based on the content?

What is the difference between getPageLabels and getPageLabelFormats?

How to add text at an absolute position on the top of the first page?

How can I log the number of documents / bytes I've processed?

How to create a new PDF file if a file name already exists?

Why do I get a getOutputStream() has already been called for this response error in JSP?

How to add / delete / retrieve information from a PDF using a custom property?

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