Breaking changes for iText Core 8.0.0
Sign module
Also see Bouncy-castle related changelog.
Breaking change |
IExternalSignature interface:
PrivateKeySignature class implements IExternalSignature. So the changes are similar:
PdfPKCS7 class:
EncryptionAlgorithms class is renamed to SignatureMechanisms |
Commons module
Breaking change | Upgrade path |
ZipFileReader class:
| Update usages in tests only. |
DateTimeUtil class
| Replaced by DateTimeUtil#getCurrentTimeZoneOffset(Date) |
IO module
Breaking change | Upgrade path |
IoLogMessageConstant class, the following unused constants are removed:
| |
UrlUtil class: Method getFinalURL(URL initialUrl) is removed | Use UrlUtil.getInputStreamOfFinalConnection(URL) instead. |
CMapCidByte class is renamed to CMapCidToCodepoint FontCache class:
CMapEncoding class:
| Update usages. |
Styled-xml-parser module
Breaking change | Upgrade path |
DataUtil class:
| Update usages in tests only. |
Forms module
Kernel module
Breaking change | Upgrade path |
PdfNameTree is extended from GenericNameTree:
| Update usages. |
PdfDestination, PdfExplicitDestination, PdfExplicitRemoteGoToDestination, PdfNamedDestination, PdfStringDestination and PdfStructureDestination classes:
| Update usages. |
Switch to new IPdfFunction hierarchy instead of old PdfFunction:
| Update usages. |
Two constants are removed from KernelExceptionMessageConstant:
| |
Method getUniMapFromOrdering(String ordering) is removed from PdfType0Font. | Use method getUniMapFromOrdering(String, boolean) instead |
Method storeLinkAnnotation is removed from PdfDocument. | Internal usage, use method storeDestinationToReaddress |
Class PdfFunction is removed. | Use classes PdfType0Function, PdfType2Function, PdfType3Function or PdfType4Function instead. |
SVG module
Breaking change |
SvgExceptionMessageConstant class, the following constants are removed: