Absolute positioning of lines and shapes
These questions were answered in the scope of 7.0.x and 7.1.x versions. However, if you find links to our GitHub repo, then they should target the latest version, and you can get access to specific versions by using the Tags functionality.
Interesting repos with examples to browse would be i7js-book & i7js-examples for Java and i7ns-samples for .NET (C#).
How to draw vertical gradient in iTextSharp?
How to add an image to an existing PDF using AffineTransform?
How to fill a rectangle with color?
How to set the line width of a clipping path?
How to draw a borderless rounded rectangle?
How can I serve a PDF to a browser without storing a file on the server side?
How to add a border to a PDF page?
How to create a PDF with a Cartesian grid?
How do I set parameters back to the default value?
Why does the cell background color affect the color of other lines?
How to add a shading pattern to a custom shape?