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How to write a table header if part of a table is forwarded to the next page?

How to put a table header row on subsequent pages.

I am using PdfWriter to create a PDF document. I am adding a PdfPTable to the PDF document. This table has header row and then actual data rows. If the table is big, then part of it gets carried forward to new page. I want this page to have table header row as well. However, I want this header row only when the table data goes on new page.

Posted on StackOverflow on Sep 15, 2015 by Amit Ware

This is how you create a table with a header row:

// table with 2 columns:
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(2);
// header row:
// many data rows:
for (int i = 1; i 

In this case, the table needs more than one page. As you used setHeaderRows() with 1 as parameter, the first row will be repeated:

Repeating header

Repeating header

If you don't want the header to be present on the first page, you have to add a single line: table.setSkipFirstHeader(true);

// table with 2 columns:
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(2);
// header row:
// many data rows:
for (int i = 1; i 

Now the table looks like this:

Repeating header

Repeating header

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