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How to add text inside a rectangle?

I have created rectangle using PdfContentByte. Now I want to add text inside this rectangle. How can I do this?

My rectangle code is


 Document doc = new Document(new Rectangle(570, 924f));
 PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc,Response.OutputStream);
 PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent;
 cb.Rectangle(doc.PageSize.Width -90f, 830f, 50f,50f);


Posted on StackOverflow on Jul 1, 2015 by Semil Sebastian

You are drawing a rectangle like this:

PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent;
cb.Rectangle(doc.PageSize.Width -90f, 830f, 50f,50f);

This corresponds with this Rectangle:

Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(
    doc.PageSize.Width - 90f, 830f,
    doc.PageSize.Width - 40f, 880f);

You can add text inside this rectangle like this:

ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(cb);
ct.AddElement(new Paragraph("This is the text added in the rectangle"));
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