How to add a table to the bottom of the last page?
I have created table in a PDF document using iText. This works fine, but I don't want to add the table at the current pointer in the page, I want to add the table at the bottom.
PdfPTable datatablebottom = new PdfPTable(8); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(); // add cells here datatablebottom.setTotalWidth(PageSize.A4.getWidth()-70); datatablebottom.setLockedWidth(true); document.add(datatablebottom);
Posted on StackOverflow on Mar 9, 2014 by user3434594
You need to define the absolute width of your table:
- document.left(document.leftMargin()));
Then you need to replace the line:
with this one:
datatable.writeSelectedRows(0, -1,
datatable.getTotalHeight() + document.bottom(document.bottomMargin()),
The writeSelectedRows()
method draws the table at an absolute position. We calculate that position by asking the document
for its left margin (the x value) and by adding the height of the table to the bottom margin of the document (the Y coordinate). We draw all rows (0 to -1).
Click this link if you want to see how to answer this question in iText 7.