Does anyone have any idea how TabStop works?
I'm still trying to learn iText and have a few of the concepts down. However I can't figure out what TabStop
is or how to use it. My particular problem is that I want to fill the end of all paragraphs with a bunch of dashes. I believe this is called a TabStop and I see the class in the iText API but I have no clue on how to use it.
Posted on StackOverflow on Mar 26, 2014 by Jesus Mireles
This is a short example that uses the TabStop
java.util.List tabStopsList = new ArrayList();
tabStopsList.add(new TabStop(100, new DottedLineSeparator()));
tabStopsList.add(new TabStop(200, new LineSeparator(),
tabStopsList.add(new TabStop(300, new DottedLineSeparator(),
p = new Paragraph(new Chunk("Hello world", f));
p.setTabSettings(new TabSettings(tabStopsList, 50));
addTabs(p, f, 0, "la|la");
Hope this helps.
Click this link if you want to see how to answer this question in iText 7.