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Can you please delete my mail from the archives?

I have posted a question on the mailing-list that contained my full e-mail address and phone number. Could you please remove this mail from the mailing-list archives?

Question posted on the old iText support site on March 9, 2011

Unfortunately that is not possible.

You've sent your mail to the addresses of thousands of mailing-list subscribers. Most of these addresses belong to actual people, but some of them are used to populate third party mailing-list archives: Nabble, GMANE, mail-archive,... These archives take your mail and publish its content on their server. At iText Group, we don't have any control over these archives. We can only remove topics that are added on our own web sites. You'll have to contact the admins of every archive separately, and hope they'll answer your question.

Thanks for you quick answer and support. I will get in contact with each of the archive administrators but, as stated in their FAQ, you, as the itext mailing list administrator, must approve the deletion of this message. So I kindly ask you to reply me with a message like the one below, that I can then forward to the archive admins:

I confirm that the message "I have a problem with a PDF" posted on March 9, 2011 can be deleted from your archive.

OK, no problem. Please refer the admins of mailing-list archives to this page, and ask them to read this message:

I, Bruno Lowagie, grant anyone who has posted anything to the iText mailing list, the right to ask the admin of any archiving sites, permission to ask the removal of his own posts for any reason he or she may have (privacy reasons, sent by mistake,...).

If they doubt the authenticity of this statement, they can always get in touch with iText Group using one of the addresses on our contact page.

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