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Release pdfOffice 1.0.0

Release date: July 5, 2021

We are proud to announce the first release of pdfOffice, the newest addition to the iText 7 Suite. It was developed to provide best-in-class native conversion of MS Office documents into fully ISO-compliant PDF files. It can handle files created in Office 97 through Office 2019 and the latest Office 365 updates.

In this first release it can convert Word and PowerPoint files, with Excel support in development. Supported file types are doc, .docx, .dotx, docm, .dotm, .dot, .ppt, .pptx, .potx, .pptm, .potm, .ppsx, .ppsm, .pot, and .pps formats.

You probably already know that PDF as a format has a lot of advantages over MS Office files. It is much more suited for archiving and distribution purposes, as files can be easily viewed using multiple free tools and from within web browsers. PDF also has the added benefit that files are guaranteed to appear the same, regardless of the application or environment.  

Usage of pdfOffice is especially beneficial when combined with iText 7 Core or other add-ons in the iText 7 Suite, as this allows you to achieve many more possibilities. Some example use cases:

  • For distribution, you may want to add watermarks (iText 7 Core) and redact sensitive data (pdfSweep).
  • For archiving, you would definitely benefit from digitally signing them with them to have proof of integrity, reducing the file size (pdfOptimizer) or converting them into images (pdfRender).
  • For data extraction, pdfOffice+pdf2Data might be the best option.

Note: pdfOffice is currently only available for Java developers, and it does not rely on any external software to perform the conversion, everything is handled natively. As such, all you need is the pdfOffice add-on and a valid license to enable high-fidelity conversion of all supported document formats. 

You can download pdfOffice from our artifactory here and the API docs can be viewed here.

As it is a brand-new product, we are still busy creating some documentation for it, although its usage is pretty straightforward... Don't believe us? Check this out 

Release Related Examples

Installation Instructions

Installing iText pdfOffice for Java developers

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