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Release pdfCalligraph 3.0.2

Release date: January 16, 2023

pdfCalligraph is our iText 7 add-on which provides advanced typography support when creating PDF documents, enabling you to expand your document workflow with accurate rendering for global languages and writing systems.

For release 3.0.2 of pdfCalligraph, we've made some optimizations to speed up processing of large PDFs with many scripts requiring OpenType or bi-directional processing. Such documents could result in long processing times in previous versions of pdfCalligraph, however, you should see significant speedups in such cases in this release.

Also, optimizations when processing Thai scripts mean you should see a reduction in memory usage.

Note: Don't forget that aside from being a very useful add-on to iText Core by itself, you can also use pdfCalligraph in combination with pdfHTML (and it's part of iText DITO as well!)



  • Speed up processing of large PDFs containing multiple OTF scripts or bidi processing
  • Investigate Shaper#applyThaiPositioning: optimizing memory for 'positioning' array creation

Installation Instructions

Examples (latest ones)

FAQ (latest ones)

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