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Installing iText pdfSweep for .NET developers

How to install pdfSweep .NET version

Thank you for your interest in our pdfSweep redaction add-on, we hope you will enjoy using our product and share your experiences with us and the iText community. We will walk you through the installation process, from downloading iText pdfSweep to adding the dependency to your .NET build tool.

If you require any extra help please have a look at our FAQs or the community discussion at StackOverflow. If you are interested in getting support from our in-house developers and/or a license key for commercial iText products, you will need to acquire a commercial license.

Before you install

  • If you want to use pdfSweep for non-commercial purposes, make sure you have read and agreed upon the AGPL license. All downloads we offer open-source come with the AGPL license model.

  • If you want to use pdfSweep for commercial purposes, make sure you have purchased a commercial license of iText Core and pdfSweep. All downloads we offer closed-source come with our commercial license model.

  • Check the compatibility matrix to ensure the version you specify when adding the add-on's dependency matches the version of iText Core you have a license for.

  • For closed-source pdfSweep installation, download and install the proper license key library, you can find the installation guide here.

  • Install iText Core or Community, you can find the installation guide here.

  • Important remark: in our installation guides we use NuGet as a build tool for .NET.


Automated dependency management

iText pdfSweep is available via NuGet. Simply add iText pdfSweep by typing the following command in the NuGet Package manager: Install-Package itext.pdfsweep.

Using the iText Artifactory Server

iText pdfSweep NuGet packages are also available on the iText Artifactory server. You can add it as a custom NuGet repository to Visual Studio. In the NuGet Package Manager, go to the settings and add the following URL as a package source: You can also browse the iText Artifactory server and download NuGet packages manually.

iText Core .NET on GitHub

The source code is available on GitHub.

You can download the modules (.nupkg) of iText pdfSweep in a single ZIP file for the .NET. Version.

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