What are the minimum system requirements for iText DITO?
System Requirements
iText DITO 2.x comprises the iText DITO SDK/API (available in Java or Docker flavors) and the browser-based iText DITO Manager/Editor.
Docker SDK/API
- Docker 19.03.0+
- Docker Compose 1.27.0+
- Recommended minimal hardware configuration:
- 2 core CPU
- Memory: 4 GB
- Temp storage: 15 GB free disk space
iText DITO Docker SDK/API requires Docker with Linux containers to be installed on your system. The required Docker engine version is 19.03.0+
You need to be able to mount a volume to the Docker container to provide your license file to the Docker SDK/API as well as custom configuration file if needed. Volume mapping is optional for your work directory where the resultant PDF files would be produced - alternatively you may opt into receiving the production result as a stream via HTTP request. You can optionally configure volume mapping for log storage.
The Docker SDK/API will work fine on 1 core, though it is recommended to use multiple cores in cases of parallel document creation. We recommend using at least 2.5GB Java heap space and have at least 10GB of free disk space. For running multiple Docker SDK/API instances the requirements will increase proportionally.
- Java 8
- Recommended minimal hardware configuration:
- 2 core CPU
- Memory: 4 GB
- Temp storage: 15 GB free disk space
iText DITO Java SDK/API requires Java 8 to be installed on your system. iText guarantees software compatibility with both the Oracle JRE and Open JRE. You need version 8 with update 152. iText DITO might not work properly on older versions.
The Java SDK/API will work fine on 1 core. We recommend using multiple cores in cases of parallel document creation in separate threads (one document per thread). We recommend using at least 1.5GB Java heap space. We recommend having at least 2GB free space on disk where the temp storage is located (see http://www.star.bristol.ac.uk/~mbt/stil/sun252/property.tmpdir.html)
iText DITO Manager/Editor
- Kotlin 1.4 +
The helper deployment script requires Kotlin version 1.4 or higher to be installed. Installation instructions can be obtained from the kotlinlang website. You can verify your Kotlin installation with kotlinc -version
command that should print the version of Kotlin that is installed:
Supported Browsers
Browser | Version |
Chrome | >60.0 |
Firefox | >54.9 |
Opera | >46.9 |
Safari | >11.0 |
Edge | >79.0 |