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iText DITO 2.0

The 2.0 Release of iText DITO is out! Discover its new features and capabilities.

We are excited to announce the general availability of iText DITO 2.0 (MVP).

This latest release of iText's high-convenience PDF document generator marks the introduction of the iText DITO Manager component and several enhancements to iText DITO Editor and iText DITO SDK.

iText DITO v. 2.0.0 SDK

Pull SDK image from Dockerhub, Pull Docker SDK Secure Proxy image from Dockerhub

iText DITO v. 2.0.0 EditorPull Editor image from Dockerhub
iText DITO v.2.0.0 ManagerPull Database imageFrontend image and Backend image from Dockerhub
Related ContentRelease Preview Guide, Blog Announcement


Release Notes:

The most remarkable additions in the 2.0 release are:

  • introduction of iText DITO Manager;
  • redesign of iText DITO Editor;
  • automated generation of tables of content and bookmarks based on template headings;
  • optimization of iText DITO SDK to securely collaborate with iText DITO Manager;
  • deployment of the full application via Docker containers, and - as a consequence - deprecation of the native Java flavor of the iText DITO SDK.

From all of us here at iText, we wish you happy templating!



  • Template Manager - Initial release with data collection, standard, header, footer and composition template and resource management; version, permission and dependency control on all items; support for staged deployment along a promotion path; workspace and subscription management.
  • Template Editor - Redesigned user experience
  • Template Editor - Introduction of a table of contents element in the tool box; 
  • Template Editor - Introduction of bookmark generator in the template settings;
  • Template Editor - Improved font selection experience;
  • Template Editor - Improved image selection experience;
  • Template Editor - Improved stylesheet/style class selection experience;
  • Template Editor - Capability to ignore case when evaluating conditions;
  • Template Editor - Capability to enable/disable project creation and tutorial;
  • Template Editor - Introduction of iText DITO Editor Docker image;
  • SDK - Introduction of Secure Proxy setup to protect the SDK endpoints; 
  • SDK - Capability to use time constraints for the endpoint to get PDF production and template repair reports.


  • Row height can be set and is applied in HTML but is not applied in PDF;
  • Succession of undo operations (ctrl+z) when using the PDF/UA compliance checker may lead to a crash of the iText DITO Editor front end;
  • In odd cases a succession of select all (crtl+a) and bold (ctrl+b) short keys inside a rich text element deletes conditional content settings on substrings in the active rich text element.  


  • Native Java SDK flavor
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