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iText DITO 1.2

We are excited to announce the general availability of iText DITO v. 1.2, the latest release of our high-convenience template engine and the very last release of iText this year.

We are excited to announce the general availability of iText DITO v. 1.2. This latest release of iText’s template engine contains several new features and optimizations of existing capabilities, all targeted towards the realization of iText’s mission to provide a high-convenience PDF generation product that combines WYSIWYG template design in the browser, with a powerful PDF generation engine built to handle enterprise-level requirements and volumes.

The release introduces new template design features, mainly focusing on optimizing PDF documents for accessibility. In addition, this release also includes a Docker wrapper for iText DITO for convenient deployment, easy scaling and language-agnostic interfacing. 

iText DITO v. 1.2.0 SDK

Download files for local deployment (Artifactory) or use Docker image

iText DITO v. 1.2.0 EditorDownload files for local deployment (Artifactory) or start a free 30-day online trial 
Related ContentRelease Preview Guide, Blog Announcement

Release notes:

The v. 1.2 release of iText’s template engine contains several new features and optimizations of existing capabilities, all targeted towards the realization of iText DITO’s mission to provide a high-convenience PDF generation product that combines WYSIWYG template design in the browser, with a powerful PDF generation engine built to handle enterprise-level requirements and volumes.

Convenient Design

Convenience is really key to the 1.2 release of iText DITO. On the template designer side, several things that were only possible via CSS coding in earlier versions are now available as properties or commands in the user interface. Gradually, more CSS-only capabilities will become available as ready-to-use UI functions and wizards.


On the SDK side, we have provided more convenience by creating a Docker wrapper for the iText DITO SDK. Not only does the containerization allow for more convenient deployment and scaling, it also provides developers with a convenient web API that is straightforward to call and agnostic of programming languages.



  • Capability to configure page margins and page size visually

  • Capability to create a manual table of contents
  • Support for time zones in date/time patterns
  • Introduction of status notifications on completion of some background operations
  • Performance improvement on PDF production based on output templates
  • Capability to specify image source as a link from the resource panel
  • Improved UI for renaming templates and resources
  • Capability to insert alternative image descriptions
  • Improved error handling in the template designer
  • Introduction of the iText DITO Docker wrapper
  • Improved handling of API operations in relation to template element tree and style sheets
  • Improved error handling for issues during preview
  • Capability to configure table headers
  • Capability to add a document title
  • Improved handling of CSS code errors in stylesheets
  • Capability to rename embedded style sheets
  • Improved data sample validation
  • Capability of marking rich text parts as heading (1-6)
  • Capability to set margin and padding for rich text parts
  • Introduction of Feature Preview Mode
  • Capability to configure document language
  • Improved tagging of inline elements (such as headings) for better PDF/UA validation


  • Calculated total number of pages is occasionally incorrect
  • Ledger page size is incorrectly processed
  • iText DITO Editor crashes when editing rich text, opening design mode and clicking in the editing canvas
  • Error when importing a project that contains one or more unnamed templates
  • File name setting is occasionally cleared on reopen of the settings dialog
  • Error when importing a project that does not contain any templates
  • Template settings configuration is occasionally applied to the wrong template in projects with multiple templates
  • Failure to clear template language setting after export and import of a template


  • Remove table border property in output templates

Features in Preview

  • Capability to activate and use PDF/UA compliance mode
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