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pdf2Data 4.0. Customizing application settings

PDF2DATA_EDITOR_MODE=MANAGER | STANDALONE - pdf2Data Editor mode (connection with manager or standalone)

PDF2DATA_EDITOR_TEMPLATE_REPOSITORY_MANAGER_HOST=http://pdf2data-manager-backend:8080/api - the URL to connect to the pdf2Data Manager Backend API

PDF2DATA_EDITOR_WORK_DIRECTORY_CLEANUP_POLICY_MAX_AGE=30d - the max duration for which editor's files on disk lives (if not crossing other threshold)

PDF2DATA_EDITOR_WORK_DIRECTORY_CLEANUP_POLICY_MAX_TOTAL_SIZE=3GB - the max total size of editor's disk space used

PDF2DATA_EDITOR_WORK_DIRECTORY_CLEANUP_POLICY_INTERVAL=43200 - the interval between cleanup jobs runs in seconds. Default: 12h

PDF2DATA_EDITOR_MAX_FILE_SIZE - maximum pdf file size that can be uploaded on editor side.

PDF2DATA_EDITOR_FILE_SIZE_THRESHOLD - pdf file size threshold after which file will be written onto disk rather than processed in memory only.

PDF2DATA_EDITOR_URL=pdf2data-editor:8080 - the base URL to the pdf2Data Editor container

PDF2DATA_MANAGER_BACKEND_URL=pdf2data-manager-backend:8080 - the base URL to the pdf2Data Manager Backend container

PDF2DATA_MANAGER_DB_NAME - the database name

PDF2DATA_MANAGER_DB_PASSWORD - the password to the database

PDF2DATA_MANAGER_DB_SCHEMA - the database schema type

PDF2DATA_MANAGER_DB_URL=pdf2data-manager-db:5432 - the base URL to the pdf2Data Manager Backend container

PDF2DATA_MANAGER_DB_USERNAME - the database user name

PDF2DATA_MANAGER_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD - default password of the initial "Global Admin<>" user




POSTGRES_DB - the Postgres database name

POSTGRES_PASSWORD - password to the Postgres database

POSTGRES_USER - the Postgres database user name

PDF2DATA_MANAGER_MAX_FILE_SIZE - maximum pdf file size that can be uploaded on manager side

PDF2DATA_MANAGER_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE - maximum multipart request size

PDF2DATA_MANAGER_MULTIPLE_WORKSPACES - multiple workspaces feature toggle

PDF2DATA_MANAGER_REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE_SECURE - boolean value which defines whether the refresh token related cookie should be secured (i.e. send only via https). By default this value is set to true, i.e. secured is available. If you don't have an https setup, then set its value to false 

Memory specific

PDF2DATA_EDITOR_CONTAINER_MEMORY_LIMIT - memory limit for the editor container. Format: <number>[<unit>]. Number is a positive integer. Unit can be one of bkm, or g. Minimum is 6m

PDF2DATA_EDITOR_JVM_MEMORY_LIMIT_MB - memory limit for the editor's Java heap. Should be less than the limit for the editor's container memory limit

PDF2DATA_MANAGER_BACKEND_CONTAINER_MEMORY_LIMIT - memory limit for the manager BE container. Format: <number>[<unit>]. Number is a positive integer. Unit can be one of bkm, or g. Minimum is 6m

PDF2DATA_MANAGER_BACKEND_JVM_MEMORY_LIMIT_MB - memory limit for the manager's BE Java heap. Should be less than the limit for the manager's BE container memory limit

PDF2DATA_MANAGER_DATABASE_CONTAINER_MEMORY_LIMIT - memory limit for the manager DB container. Format: <number>[<unit>]. Number is a positive integer. Unit can be one of bkm, or g. Minimum is 6m

PDF2DATA_MANAGER_FRONTEND_CONTAINER_MEMORY_LIMIT - memory limit for the manager FE container. Format: <number>[<unit>]. Number is a positive integer. Unit can be one of bkm, or g. Minimum is 6m

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